Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Days 16 & 17 - The Adirondacks

It was a pretty easy five hours plus from Stamford to Old Forge, New York. Never heard of it? Why not? It's in the middle of Adirondack State Park which is a massive area of - what else? - mountains, streams, lakes, rivers, forest and wildlife -- some of which is human. Which brings me to my friend whom I'll call Mary. I have known her for eleven years which began when we worked together for two years. I liked her starting from the minute I interviewed her and we have gotten closer as time has gone along. She and I were both single then and the only two executives who were, so those with too much time and too little to think about assumed we were sleeping together. Not so. Who had time for such frivolity? I hope she doesn't mind me mentioning - well, I'll be vague - that I will always be in awe of her ability to be paid two salaries for one job. She's done it twice. You'll have to figure out how but I can't recommend it too highly. It's really good and she's really smart.

Lucky Mary has a new boyfriend whom I'll call Tom. Although they have known about each other for years and in fact have lots ties going back in time, they have just been dating four months - and boy are they happy together. Really, if I didn't know I'd think they had been together a year or two. It's really great that Mary has found someone so well suited for her. And Tom dotes over her like she's the queen that she obviously is. And fascinating conversation? I had never known you could talk about painter's caulk at length. Must be that rugged (almost) self sufficient life style. Dealing with fix ups and critters (God, I hate that word!) and other living-in-nature stuff. Don't misunderstand me. Mary has a beautiful home on a lake that is not only comfy and picturesque but has satellite TV and WiFi and indoor plumbing and everything. It's very nice and my little suite in the basement was nicer than any room at any hotel on the trip.

We spent hours talking and reminiscing. I told them of my most recent ill-fated romances and some where along the line I realized, again, how totally smitten I am with the Lovely M, the woman I was recently engaged to. I know this song is soooo tired but that's the way it goes. It popped into my head how many things there are about her that I love - of course when I don't see her for a while I seem to forget those things about her which make me insane. In any event, I composed a fantastic love note to her in my head and decided to send it to her out of the blue. By shear happenstance I sent it on the anniversary of the day we met. Here's part of it "I met you one year ago and . . .
I love the way you smile. I love the sparkle in your eyes when you smile.  I love the elegant way you sit.  I love the classy way you carry yourself.  I love the way you eat. I love your hands.  I love when you touch my arm.  I love holding your hand. . . (lots of very personal stuff) . . . I love that you make me crazy. I love the feeling of loving you. Long ago your eyes shot their arrows into my heart. I love yo

I figured the odds were 80/20 whether she would respond sarcastically or sweetly. Bless her little heart, she was very sweet and appreciative. So I will follow up with an invitation to dinner and then we'll see. If you don't know, we've been on again/off again at least five times. But, so what? You meet a woman like M once every decade so I'm in all the way until there ain't no more.

Back in the Adirondacks we're had a nice scenic drive and very nice dinner and trundled off to bed early. That fresh mountain air wears you out. But makes you oh so content. I really enjoyed my time with Mary and Tom and I think they will be together for quite some time.

Tomorrow I head home. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Good luck to you, Jim! Whatever makes you happy. :-)